Institutional Research Project Scheme for Staff and Students
Internal Quality Assurance Cell as decided to initiate institute level research scheme for students as well as faculty members.
The Management of K. T. E Society has allocated budget to fund research projects to be undertaken by the faculty and students pursuing research in various areas. The aim of the scheme is to strengthen the research activity especially among the faculty members which will act as a catalyst for them to apply to the various funding agencies for major grants. Research proposals are invited in the format provided in the web site from the faculty working in the college. The norms and guidelines of the scheme are given below to help the faculty in the preparation of the proposals.
1. The proposal should clearly state the objectives; indicate current national and international status, methodology employed, plan of the research work, expected results and outcome of the project along with the budget estimate for one year.
2. The maximum grant available for each project is Rs 20 thousand and the duration of the project is for one year.
3. The project should be related to respective subjects bearing some relevance with societal approach, environmental awareness, need of the society etc.
4. Every year each department has to submit research proposal of one grantable staff with one non grant faculty member jointly.
5. Permanent faculty member will be the Principal Investigator and non grant faculty member will be co- investigator for that project.
6. These projects have to be submitted in following format to the IQAC. IQAC with the help of Academic Research Committee form our college will thoroughly scrutinize the submitted projects and final approval and sanction letter will be issued shortly thereafter.
7. The budget estimate should provide the details under different heads such as equipment, consumables/chemicals/reagents/supplies, contingency, travel, books etc.
8. On receipt of approval letters, the Principal Investigator should inform the IQAC of their Consent to implement the project and send the Acceptance Certificate. Acceptance Certificate may be sent within 10 days from the date of issue of approval letter, otherwise it will be presumed that the Principal Investigator (PI) is not willing to implement the project and the approval will be withdrawn.
9. Project once approved is not mutually transferable. The transfer of project to the Co- Investigator will be considered by IQAC provided he/she fulfils the eligibility criterion.
10. All assets generated out of the fund for the project including equipment, books and journals will become the property of the college on completion of the project.
11. Prior approval of the IQAC is necessary for publishing the results of the study on the project supported by the college. In all such cases, however, the investigator should acknowledge the contribution made by the staff appointed for the project and the support received from the college.
12. The project has to be submitted through the Head of the respective departments.
13. A bound copy of the final report of work done on the project in thesis form along with CD/DVD be submitted to IQAC on completion of the research project before the stipulated time.
(b) A copy of the “Final Report” of the work done may be kept in the Library. Books, Journals and Equipment will come under `Non-Recurring Items’ and Contingency, Research Personnel, Hiring Services, Chemicals and Consumables, Travel and Field work, Special Needs etc. under `Recurring Items’.
13. The Principal Investigator should submit quarterly progress report along with the statement of accounts and utilization certificate at the end of academic year for the release of the subsequent grant.
Following are some of the additional guidelines for the proposals sanctioned by IQAC.
1. For purchase of equipments, following procedure should be followed
(a) Call at least three quotations from suppliers.
(b) Purchased equipments should be kept in College during the work and after the completion of work.
(c) The sanctioned amount shall be transferred through cheque in account operated by Principal Investigator. The Principal Investigator will have the right and responsibility for auditing the accounts.
2. All Principal Investigators are advised to publish their work in UGC CARE listed Journals.
3. The Institution will not charge any overhead charges.
4. Every bill must be signed by college principal before submission of Research project for audit.
5. The cost of equipment should not normally exceed 50% of the total grant. Expenditure towards the purchase of Mother Board, DVD writer, Hard Disk, RAM, Antivirus, Pen drive, Computer, Laptop, Mobile, DVD, Steam Oven, Home Theatre, Mixer, Handy cam, Printer, Scanner, Fridge, Cupboard, Books rack, Furniture etc. will be not allowed.
6. Dead stock entry is necessary for purchase of equipment under the research project.
7. Library’s Accession No. is important on purchased books & Stock entry is important if purchase of equipments under the Research project scheme.
8. The 30% amount of the sanctioned grant under the research project scheme allowed for travelling expenses for Science departments and 20% for remaining subjects with prior permission of IQAC.
9. If PI has published their Research paper in National & International Journal, one copy of the paper submits in the IQAC office. The acknowledgement of college is essential in the research paper.
10. The final report of research project should include
(i) Technical Report along with conclusions (two hard bound copies) / and published, presented, accepted paper(s) (A soft copy)
(ii) Statement of accounts
(iii) Utilization certificate with Auditor’s (CA) signature and stamp.
11. The audit will be organized at the end of academic year for financial assessments of research projects.
12. No extension in tenure is permissible in any circumstances.
In spite of these guidelines, any additional thing which will help in strengthening the research culture in Departments shall be adopted.